Charity SORP

Why is the Charity SORP so difficult to understand?

The SORP was created by some very clever and very experienced accountants, who were probably too clever and too experienced to recognise that what they had produced was far too complicated for charities many of whom rely on unqualified volunteers to [...]

Why is the Charity SORP so difficult to understand?2024-09-24T14:38:49+01:00

What are the objectives of the Charity SORP?

The aim of the Financial Reporting Council is "to promote transparency and integrity in business". With regards to charities the aim is to help readers understand three things in particular: What are the objectives of the charity? What activities does it [...]

What are the objectives of the Charity SORP?2024-09-24T14:38:49+01:00

Does the Charity SORP apply to me?

Yes!  There are some minor changes in the Trustee’s Report for "small" charities which are defined as those with a gross income of less than £500,000 for UK charities or €500,000 for Irish.

Does the Charity SORP apply to me?2024-09-24T14:38:49+01:00

What is the Charity SORP?

The Charity Statement of Recommended Practice is mandatory for all charities - regardless of size. It is a 200-page A4 document of additional reporting requirements that are layered on top of FRS 102. Unfortunately, and unintentionally, the SORP is ambiguous and [...]

What is the Charity SORP?2024-09-24T14:38:49+01:00
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