What the UK Government’s New Budget Means for Charities

Published:1 November 2024

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of charity funding is no walk in the park, and the UK government’s latest budget adds a new layer of challenge for those managing charity finances. With new adjustments, the recent budget has left charity CFOs juggling new rules, updates, and financial forecasts to ensure their organisations stay on track.

So, what are some key points from the budget for charities? First, there’s some good news: the government is promising additional grants and funding initiatives aimed at helping smaller charities. These funds are intended to boost local projects and support community-driven organisations tackling social issues. It’s a welcome relief for smaller charities, but, as ever, the application processes can be complex and require careful financial oversight to stay compliant.

Then, we have changes to Gift Aid. The government has confirmed that Gift Aid relief remains stable for now, but there’s always talk of potential adjustments down the line. So, for now, charity finance teams will want to keep a close eye on upcoming announcements and ensure they’re squeezing every drop of value from Gift Aid relief.

But the trickiest part of this new budget might be its emphasis on transparency and accountability. Charities are now expected to show more detailed accounts and ensure they meet updated reporting standards. While this aims to boost public trust in charitable giving, it certainly adds a bit more work for the finance teams who manage these reports.

At Aedon.Accounting, we get it—charity accounting can be a headache at the best of times. With our software, Aedon.Charities, we’ve taken these complex requirements and turned them into a streamlined, user-friendly solution that can make a charity CFO’s life a whole lot easier. So, if you’re a CFO or finance manager staring down this new budget wondering how to handle it all, head over to Aedon.Charities and see how we can help you tackle these challenges with ease.

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