Creating Tax Periods

Tax Periods are defined for each Company and are the basis of the VAT submissions.  Generally, the Tax Periods will be quarterly, but can also be Monthly, Annual in the UK or Bi-Four-Monthly in Ireland.

Financial Years must be setup prior to creating the Tax Periods.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. From the Tax Menu, select the Tax Periods sub-menu.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the Tax Period Name.
  4. Enter the Financial Year related to the Tax Period you are creating.
  5. Enter the From and the To Dates which encapsulates the Tax Period you are creating.
  6. Enter the Tax Filing Frequency.
  7. Optionally you can enter the Return Deadline field to track when the Period should be submitted.
  8. Click Save or click Save and New if you are creating multiple Tax Periods.
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