Allocating a Sales Payment on Account

Allocating a Sales Payments on Account to a Sales Invoice, effectively pays that Invoice and uses-up the value of the Payment on Account.

Sales Payments on Account can only be applied to Sales Invoices from the same Customer Account, if there any available.

Allocating a Sales Payment on Account does not create any new Ledger Entries.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. From the Sales Menu, select Payments on Accounts Sub-Menu, and then select the required Payment on Account.
  2. Select Allocate.
  3. Allocate the amount of the Payment on Account to the available Sales Invoice(s).
  4. Once the Allocated Amount equals the Amount Due on Credit, the Remaining Credit will show as zero,
  5. Click Allocate.

The Allocation Amount will show how much of the Payment on Account has been used-up.

Click on the Allocation History in the Status Section to display which Sales Invoices the Payment on Account has been applied to.

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