Customer & Supplier Default Products

Accounts within Aedon have a special tab called Default Products. Within this tab you can select a Product in your Price Book and have it appear on every new invoice that is raised for that customer or supplier. This is particularly useful for Suppliers from whom you’re ordering repeat items or repeat charges or for sales if you sell the same product on a lot or all your invoices: this can save a lot of keying time.

To set up a Default Product

  1. From the Sales or Purchases Menu, Select Customers or Suppliers.
  2. Select the Customer or Supplier you’d like to set a default product for.
  3. Click the Product Defaults Tab and Click New.
  4. Enter the Company this applies to and enter the Product you wish to default on every invoice.
  5. Click Save, or if there are multiple products on every Invoice Click Save & New to create multiple.
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