Customers & Suppliers

Account Type
Customers and Suppliers are all based on the Salesforce Account Object: the cornerstone of the Salesforce system.

Accounts must have the Account Type equal to Customer to appear in the Customer list under the Sales Menu and Account Type equal to Supplier to appear in the Suppliers under the Purchases Menu.

Account Description
The Account Description records useful profile information.

Optionally the Parent Account can be used to link Accounts together in a hierarchy.

Optionally Account Numbers can be added to Accounts if these are required.

Financial Information
Each Account must have a preferred trading Currency and Tax Treatment, depending on its geographical location.

The Discount and Credit Period are applied as a default to all Sales and Purchase Invoice Transactions but can be edited. The Discount percentage reduces the Unit Price. The Payment Days is applied to the Transaction Date to give a Due Date.

The Payment Message can be tailored to each Account and appears on the pdfs for Invoices and Credit Notes.

The Payment Methods are a user definable Picklist and display on all the Transactions.

If a Credit Limit is set, then the Credit Status will update automatically in the Account Status.

Credit Administration
The Credit Administration Section has been created to allow commonly performed credit administration tasks to be recorded in an organised way.

Transactions Tab
The trading history with an Account is recorded on the Transactions Tab.

Filters allow you to focus on the date range and Transactions required.

Default Products Tab

Optionally adding default products to a customer or more frequently a Supplier Account will improve data accuracy and speed.

Bank Accounts Tab
Optionally adding External Bank Accounts to an Account can assist with the automation of payments and collections.

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