Bank Matching Rules

Match to Receipt rule creates a Bank Receipt for the stated Customer with the predefined Products along with Analysis codes and Tax Codes

To Create a Bank Receipt rule

  • Import a bank statement with receipt amount or enter the bank statement manually.
  • Click on Reconcile tab.
  • Click on the drop-down button and Click Create a rule.
  • On the Create a rule pop up Enter the Name for the rule
  • Click active button if you wish the rule to search in Code field of Bank Statement
  • Choose the operator from the picklist.
  • Enter the Value, the system automatically prefills the description value.
  • Repeat the same for Description & Amount

The matching rule only searches if there is active marked as true for the three fields. All the three fields can be marked as active or at least one.

  • Choose the account.
  • Choose the reference from the pick list, there are three options
  • Rule Name: Bank receipt created by this rule will have the rule name in the reference.
  • Bank Code: Bank receipt created by this rule will have the Code Value in the reference.
  • Bank Description: Bank receipt created by this rule will have the Description Value in the reference.
  • Choose the product.
  • Choose the nominal code
  • Choose the tax code.
  • Add the analysis codes.
  • Write any internal notes & Click Create

Editing a Match to Receipt ruleClick Bank Matching Rules under the Bank Tab

Choose the Bank Rule which needs to be edited.

Active Check Box Uncheck it if the rule needs to be deactivated. Only active rules create matching
Rule Name Edit the Rule Name
Code Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Code Value Edit the Code Value
Description Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Description Value Edit the Description Value
Amount Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Amount Value Edit the Amount Value

If there is a need to edit the Account, Product, Tax Code or Analysis codes we recommend deactivating the rule and create a new one.

Creating a Bank Payment Rule 

Match to Payment rule creates a Bank Payment for the stated Supplier with the predefined Products along with Analysis codes and Tax Codes

To Create a Bank Payment rule

  • Import a bank statement with payment amount or enter the bank statement manually.
  • Click on Reconcile tab.
  • Click on the drop-down button and Click Create a rule.
  • On the Create a rule pop up Enter the Name for the rule
  • Click active button if you wish the rule to search in Code field of Bank Statement
  • Choose the operator from the picklist.
  • Enter the Value, the system automatically prefills the description value.
  • Repeat the same for Description & Amount

The matching rule only searches if there is active marked as true for the three fields. All the three fields can be marked as active or at least one.

  • Choose the account.
  • Choose the reference from the pick list, there are three options
  • Rule Name: Bank payment created by this rule will have the rule name in the reference.
  • Bank Code: Bank payment created by this rule will have the Code Value in the reference.
  • Bank Description: Bank payment created by this rule will have the Description Value in the reference.
  • Choose the product.
  • Choose the nominal code
  • Choose the tax code.
  • Add the analysis codes.
  • Write any internal notes & Click Create

Editing a Bank Payment Rule 
Click Bank Matching Rules under the Bank Tab

Choose the Bank Rule which needs to be edited.

Active Check Box Uncheck it if the rule needs to be deactivated. Only active rules create matching
Rule Name Edit the Rule Name
Code Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Code Value Edit the Code Value
Description Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Description Value Edit the Description Value
Amount Active Check box Uncheck if not required
Amount Value Edit the Amount Value

If there is a need to edit the Account, Product, Tax Code or Analysis codes we recommend deactivating the rule and create a new one.

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