Creating a Bank Reconciliation Report

The Bank Reconciliation Report reconciles the difference between the Balance in Aedon from your Nominal Ledger with the Balance on the Statement.

The Bank Reconciliation Report uses a simple formula:

Nominal Ledger Balance
PLUS               Outstanding Payments

LESS                Outstanding Receipts
PLUS               Sum of the Unreconciled Statement Lines
EQUALS          Bank Statement Amount

Step-by-Step Process

  1. From the Bank Menu, select the Bank Account for the Bank Reconciliation Report.
  2. Select the Reconciliation Report Sub-Menu.
  3. Click Get Report.
  4. Wait a few moments for the report to run.
  5. Click the Mini Refresh Symbol to check on progress.
  6. Click the report hyperlink under View Report.
  7. Optionally click Export as a PDF or Excel Sheet.
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